Las nuevas quillas de Matt Biolos

Matt Biolos, el casi bicampeon de los Vissla Shaper Awards, lanzo con Futures su nuevo modelo de quillas, las Mayhem 3.0.

“The Mayhem 3.0 is an all new template. With the trends in modern HP shortboards going towards more curve under the rear foot for critical pocket surfing, we felt the need for the fins to evolve with the board rockers. We wanted to add a bit more base, with more rake and a narrower tapered tip than our long-standing thruster template.

The idea with the base and rake is more resistance and bite when deep into turns and to maintain drive through tight radius turns. The reduced tip area, with a tapered flex, adds release and freedom for quick transitions in and out of turns, when needed. We’ve been taking these fins to the wave pools for controlled, repeatable testing, and also worked with our crew of diverse sized, elite surfers for feedback and input.”

– Matt Biolos

“Nos encontramos con Matt Biolos de …Lost Surfboards. Matt nos explica sus nuevos diseños de quillas Thruster y 5-fin, diseñados para complementar la evolución de las modernas tablas de alto rendimiento. El set Thruster está disponible en tamaños Pequeño, Mediano y Grande, mientras que el set 5-fin viene en tamaños Mediano y Grande.”

Este modelo todavía no esta disponible en Perú pero puedes probar los demás modelos de quillas de Lost aqui.

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